Can I be both INFJ and INTJ?

Though both of these types have Ni as their dominant function, INFJs have Extraverted Feeling (Fe) as their auxiliary function, whereas INTJs operate with Extraverted Thinking (Te). The auxiliary function is like a sidekick to the dominant function, helping the dominant function on its way.

You may have some characteristics of an INFJ and some of an INTJ, because people don't fit perfectly into boxes. Your experiences, upbringing, and circumstances make you an individual. Yet we tend to lean more toward one type than another.

Can you have both INFJ and INTJ personality?

Yes, you can be both an INFJ and an INTJ at the same time. The reason is that these two MBTI personality types have a lot in common. They share three major personality traits and, respectively, plenty of characteristics, values, and attitudes. Therefore, it's possible to be an INFJ and an INTJ at the same time.

How do I know if I'm an INFJ or an INTJ?

INFJs use Fe, INTJs use Te

Though both of these types have Ni as their dominant function, INFJs have Extraverted Feeling (Fe) as their auxiliary function, whereas INTJs operate with Extraverted Thinking (Te). The auxiliary function is like a sidekick to the dominant function, helping the dominant function on its way.

Can INFJ mistyped as INTJ?

It requires digging deeper and really understanding the personality types and their variations. INFJs are most frequently mistyped as INFPs, ISFJs, or ENFJs, but even on occasion INTJs.

Can you be both INTJ?

You cannot be both INTJ and INTP.

The two types have vastly different cognitive function stacks, meaning they have different ways of viewing and processing the world around them. They take in information differently, they reach conclusions differently. You cannot switch back and forth between the two.

Can an INFJ become an INTJ?

Is Elon Musk INTP or INTJ?

It is also important to mention that Elon himself said that he has a problem with punctuation, in regards to his timing. Therefore, he is an INTP. Not an INTJ. The only reason he is able to accomplish so much is because he has an excellent control of his ENTJ shadow.

Are INTJ nerds?

INTJ. INTJs love knowledge and enjoy diving into different ideas and information. Their constant need to research and learn about new things, is a big part of the INTJs geeky or nerdy side. INTJs might actually enjoy different online games, since they don't have to interact with people unless they want to.

Which personality type is the angriest?

Ever enigmatic, ISFPs registered as the type most likely to get angry and show it, as well as one of the types most likely to get angry and not show it. According to the MBTI® Manual, ISFPs ranked highest of all the types in suppressing anger, and second-highest of the types most likely to show it.

Why do INFJs like INTJs?

When in love, they are both willing to do whatever it takes to make things work. Balance — the INFJs sensitive side might help tame the INTJs more logical side and vice versa. Both personalities believe in hard work and will respect each other's professional lives.

Which MBTI is most similar to INTJ?

in common, the INTJ and INTP personality types often develop surprisingly similar worldviews. Since both types seek an understanding of themselves and the world, they can enjoy extensive discussions and find common ground on myriad issues.

Can you be a mix of personality types?

Mixed personality disorder refers to a type of personality disorder that does not fall into the 10 recognized personality disorders. It is possible for people to have traits or symptoms of more than one personality disorder at the same time, while not meeting the criteria for any single one of them.

Who is more introverted INFJ or INTJ?

They both prefer introversion and enjoy discussing deep topics more than surface-level subjects. But INFJs are vastly more concerned with the people around them and their own inner emotions.

What are INTJ females like?

Women who identify with the INTJ personality type are typically independent, confident and happy alone. They are goal-oriented and are constantly working on personal and professional projects. But in a group, they tend to navigate the territory differently from other women.

Which MBTI is most similar to INFJ?

On the surface, the INFJ and INFP personalities appear very similar. These two introverted Myers-Briggs personality types are both creative, idealistic, and focused on helping others.

How smart are INFJs?

INFJs are often emotionally intelligent people, at least when it comes to the emotions of others. They might struggle with working through their own feelings, but they have a strong sense of empathy. When it comes to understanding others and reading their feelings and desires, INFJs almost always excel.

How do I know if I'm an INTJ?

Signs You're an INTJ

  • You make decisions using logic, data, and cold, hard facts. ...
  • You're a walking library on the topics that interest you. ...
  • Your creative, intuitive nature makes you an idea machine. ...
  • You have high standards for yourself and others. ...
  • You secretly have a sensitive, thoughtful side.
  • How do INFJ deal with death?

    The INFJ will even mourn the loss of something which wasn't that positive for them, but they might see it differently once that person or thing is gone. They will recount only the good things, mourning the fact that they no longer have it in their lives.

    What is INFJ stare?

    INFJs usually get so swept away by their curiosity that they stare directly at people's eyes without feeling uncomfortable or intimidated at all. The intense, piercing stare is usually their natural process of analyzing the object of their interest and a defense mechanism if they feel insecure in specific situations.

    How do I know if I'm INFJ?

    Signs You're an INFJ

    • INFJs often report feeling lonely and “different” — and for good reason. ...
    • INFJs exude warmness, and others immediately feel comfortable in their presence. ...
    • INFJs ultimately seek genuine truth and meaning. ...
    • INFJs have intense, unwavering convictions, sometimes to a fault. ...
    • INFJs cannot stand small talk.

    Are INTJs short tempered?

    While the INTJ does strive to be patient, they can become easily frustrated by others. They need to have plenty of time to themselves in order to feel energized, which is why being around others can really push the INTJs buttons. They can have a somewhat short fuse, especially with ignorant or obnoxious people.

    Which personality type is the kindest?

    1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.

    What personality type are most psychopaths?

    ESTP – Reckless and impulsive with no regard for others, ESTPs are likely candidates to have psychopathic tendencies as well. With Introverted Thinking (Ti) as one of their main functions, they see things through their results over the impact something has on others.

    Are INTJs born or made?

    INTJs Are Much More Likely to Be Firstborns

    Statistically, INTJs are much more likely to be the firstborn of the family (+17.5%) than if personality happened by chance. At the same time, they are much less likely to be a middle child (-20.00%) or the baby of the family (-10.00%).

    Are INTJs socially awkward?

    INTJs can be seen as strange because they don't follow what others expect, and instead follow what is factual and real. This can sometimes make the INTJ a bit blunt, which can certainly make them appear awkward or weird to some people.

    Why are INTJs so cool?

    INTJs are knowledge driven and open-minded individuals, who care very deeply about the people around them. They can make for amazing and helpful friends, who are always loyal to those close to them. If you are smart, you will learn to appreciate all the amazing things that the INTJ has to offer.

