How much are Yu-Gi-Oh cards worth?

Trading cards have always been sought after collectibles. However, over the past 24 months, these items have spiked in popularity increasing the demand to which some manufacturers have struggled to match.

Trading cards have always been sought after collectibles. However, over the past 24 months, these items have spiked in popularity increasing the demand to which some manufacturers have struggled to match.

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Yu-Gi-Oh cards have always been some of the most popular type of trading cards. These creations crafted from the iconic manga and anime series of the same name have been around for more than two decades, and there have been thousands of different variations during that time.

You may have a collection from many years ago or still be purchasing modern cards from today. Either way, if you’re looking to sell any, you could be wondering: are Yu-Gi-Oh cards worth anything?

How Much Are Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Worth?

Like any other trading card, Yu-Gi-Oh cards are only worth what people are willing to pay, and right now that number can be significant, depending on the exact card you’re selling.

With the trading card boom taking place, resale prices have skyrocketed, seeing some tournament-exclusive cards like Tournament Black Luster Soldier from 1999 reportedly selling for $2 million.

Even less rare cards fetch quite a handsome price. First edition Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Dark Magician, even Swords of Revealing Light. The older the card, the better for resale value — as long as it’s been kept in good condition.

Cards that are new and still played today can also sell for a few hundred dollars. You can check out a great pricing guide on those here.

Grading cards can also add a ton of value to your collection. To do this you’ll need to send the card off to a grader who will assign it a rating value. If your card rates at or around a 10 it will get a substantial bump in price, however, again this varies depending on what the card is and how rare it is.

Where to Buy and Sell Yu-Gi-Oh Cards?

You can buy or sell Yu-Gi-Oh cards from some hobbyist stores, but the main place you’re going to want to check out is resale sites like eBay.

eBay has plenty of cards for sale from all over the world and likely you’ll find a seller or buyer for what you’re after.

If you’re looking to buy something extremely valuable then the best point of call will be auction sites as that is where the high-value pieces are commonly sold.

