How To Make New Year's Resolutions You Can Keep {Printables}

Every year I make New Years Resolutions. I have every intention of keeping them and then sometime around mid-January, I fail. It feels awful to make a resolution and then not be able to keep it. I am determined that this year is going to be different. Why? Because my resolutions are different they

Every year I make New Year’s Resolutions. I have every intention of keeping them and then sometime around mid-January, I fail. It feels awful to make a resolution and then not be able to keep it. I am determined that this year is going to be different. Why? Because my resolutions are different – they come with a plan!
For each resolution (and I am resolving to have only 5!) I am going to have a plan of attack that includes how I can achieve this goal, and why I am trying to. This will serve as a daily reminder and motivate me to continue on despite feeling tired or losing enthusiasm.

I am still working on my resolutions. I really want to think them through and figure out how I can achieve each one of them. Here are some examples of what a resolution might look like.

Lose weight

Instead of simply “lose weight” try this:

Live a healthier lifestyle by

a. exercising at least three times a week

b. drinking more water

c. being more aware of my activity level on a daily basis

d. being mindful of what I eat

so that I feel more confident and have more energy.

You can also add in a specific goal to your resolution such as “lose 10 pounds”, “improve blood pressure”, etc. Make sure you define why you are resolving to do this particular thing such as “to feel more confident”, “to be around for my children”, “so I can play with my grandchildren”, or just “to feel better”.


When you start to lose your motivation and enthusiasm (and unless you are super woman this will happen), looking back on why you made these resolutions will help to keep you on track and focused. If you are someone who not only makes personal resolutions, but professional ones as well, then I suggest separating your professional and personal resolutions on to two different printouts. Keep your personal one in your bedroom (maybe on your nightstand) and your professional one on your desk or in your work space. The keys are be specific, be positive, have a plan, and remind yourself why you made this resolution to begin with.

I have created a couple printables that you can fill in on your own. I have a printable for five resolutions, a printable for ten resolutions, and a printable that is blank. Print these out and fill them in. Frame your resolutions and keep it somewhere you can see it on a daily basis. I made them in black and white so they will fit in with any decor and don’t cost you a lot to print out 🙂  You can buy a document frame or an 8×10 frame from the dollar store and you are good to go!

What resolutions are you making this year? Do you make the same resolutions every year (it seems like a lot of mine are the same each year)? How do you keep yourself motivated? I’d love to get your ideas and suggestions 🙂  I need all the help I can get!

Good luck with your New Year’s Resolutions!

